May 2018 Newsletter

Africa UpdateAfrica
January 26, I flew to Mali. When I arrived one of the women who had attended the conference I spoke at last fall, approached me. She told me that she had obtained copies of my messages and listened to them often. She told me that many of the woman were greatly encouraged and that their lives had changed because of that conference. Surprisingly, she was not the only one with that testimony. I was so blessed to hear these testimonies and I couldn’t wait to share them with you. Pic 1

This latest trip, I taught at Pastor Marc Coulibaly’s Bible school every day for a week. Each day I taught at least 4 hours about Covenant Truth. It was exciting to see the students so interested. On Sunday I preached and the whole church seemed electric as the Holy Spirit moved in our midst.

Then I traveled to Benin, where my friend Judith James-Davies joined me. Pic 2I taught about Covenant in two Bible schools, some days teaching as many as 6-7 hours day. I also preached in churches on Sunday. Everyday people would tell me how much they enjoyed the classes, but most of all they told me how the teaching was changing their lives. They told me they would never see the Word of God the same. The three weeks I spent in Africa change many lives and you sent me. Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers.

Debby’s Philippines TripPic 3
I traveled to the Philippines on March 27. As you know it can be a very long trip. I arrived in Baguio for Easter Sunday. We had an amazing service where the Holy Spirit moved powerfully. After that I traveled to Mountain Provence and beyond to hold revival meetings and to help church plants. I was very blessed to see the progress these churches have made since I last visited them. One pastor told me that they had been very discouraged in their church. They were very grateful that I had come. The altars were full every night. Three young woman (all school teachers) had walked 2 1/2 hours, over mountains and through a flooded river just to come. They followed me to every church in that region. I was blessed to see the hunger they had for the Lord. Many nights the services continued on till after 11 pm. No one seemed to want to go home.

PalawanPIc 4
Then I traveled to Palawan. Many of you know that I travel to Palawan every year. Pastor Jun always tells me that Palawan is my home and they always make me feel that it is. We visited remote churches there as well as local city churches. These churches and pastors have very few visitors and often feel as if they are all alone in the world. When you send me to them, they know that some one cares and it gives the hope to continue with their ministry. I spoke to a group of tribal pastors, held revival meetings; and prayed for the sick. There were many testimonies.

Fred’s trip to AfricaPrayer Req
Fred is off back to Africa with a packed schedule. He will be accompanied by Jeff Kobman from Fredericksburg, VA. They fly on Wednesday, 16th to Newark & then overnight the 17th to Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Friday 18th – Travel to village & will have an evening church service.
Saturday, 19th – Bible School Graduation
Sunday 20th – Church
Monday, 21st – fly to Cotonou, Benin
May 21-25 – Bible School in Cotonou
Sunday, 27th – church service
Monday 28th – fly to Bamako, Mali.
May 28-June 1st – Bible School in Bamako
June 2&3 – dedication of Marc’s miraculous large church building.
Monday 4th – fly back to Abidjan & on to Newark
Tuesday 5th – fly on to Buffalo & home.
Prayers are greatly appreciated!!!!

Going to the World
By sending us on these trips, you encourage churches, bring encouragement and teaching to pastors, Bible schools and church leadership. Through woman’s conferences, you empower woman and woman’s ministries. You may never never see the impact that you have had a part of, but I am confident that when you get to heaven there will be a long line 3 of 4 Fred and Debby Davis May 2018 of people from nations around the world who will say thank you. Many of these men and woman of God are fighting for the Kingdom of God on the front lines. They have sacrificed and have endured hardship to preach the Good News, heal the Sick, and bring deliverance to people who, without them, might never hear the name of Jesus even one time.

Finding God FaithfulD schedule
Have you ever taken a step of faith, not knowing what will happen? I feel like I have been doing that all of my life. I have no fear because my God is with me. Many people fear the unknown. We wonder and worry about so many things and yet we all must admit that the future is uncertain. I can not say what the future holds and yet I know who holds my hand. God has been with me every step of my life and I have learned to trust him. I want to encourage you, my partners, with these words. With every word that is spoken on the news about unsettling world events and with our current drug problems eating away at our families and our nation, I can, with an assurance say, “God is in control.” He is a with us. We will see him work in our lives, our families and our nations. We serve a faithful God!

Debby’s Books
Debby has 2 new books available right now on Amazon.

Creatures Of The Forestcreatures
Sometimes in life we find that our lives have taken detours through dark and troubling times.  We struggle to see the light and sometimes even doubt that it exists. It is in this forest of darkness that we find thoughts of depression, inferiority, shame, unforgiveness, or jealousy, to name a few. These are the Creatures of the Forest.

Jesus came to bring his light into the darkness! All the Creatures of the Forest run and hide in his light. He is glowing with an intensity that causes all the evil spirits of hell to run for cover. In John 14:5-6, one of the twelve disciples named Thomas, asked Jesus, “How can we find the way?” You may be asking these same questions. “How do I find my way through dark times? How can I navigate through life when I’m going through so many troubles?”

The answer is simple. Truth! Believe the Truth. Receive the Truth. Meditate on the Truth. Jesus is Truth. He is the only way out of your troubles. He speaks Truth. He embodies Truth. He is Truth. Read the Word of God. Make it your own. Consume it and let it fill every last part of you. Replace all fear and condemnation with Truth. He is the light that shines in the darkness and nothing argues with Him.

Any Old Bush-Poems To Live Bybush
This is book 2 of devotions using the poetry of Charley Elwell along with short devotions by Debby designed to encourage you as you walk with the Lord.

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